Deskripsi Perusahaan
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distributor hair cosmetics
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Develop new and creative highly engaging content to grow our Tik Tok audiences - Be one of the faces of our company on TikTok/Instagram Reels to promote and highlight trending/relevant topics for brand awareness, follower growth and sales conversion - Able to work in a team in a fast pace environment (will work alongside design team to ensure that content is aligned with brand aesthetics and identity) - Respond and engage in real-time to posts, questions, comments Able to create 1-2 qualified Tik Tok video per day - Able to do live/live shopping Tiktok/lnstagram/ other social media platform
Syarat Pekerjaan
- Have interest in beauty and personal care industry - Have interest in creative planning/styling for videoshoot and photoshoot - Knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest social media trends such as but not limited to news, memes, celebrities, music, etc and find stylish - Understanding and ability to speak and report on Tik Tok KPIs and metrics - High-level understanding of TikTok and Instagram platform and video editing (able to operate Adobe family (Premiere / Photoshop/Illustrator is a plus) - Committed to brand growth and able to perform - Extremely tech-savvy, with strong communication skills
Tips Untuk Pelamar
- Jangan lupa sampaikan anda mendapat Info Lowongan Kerja dari LOKER JAKARTA ID
- Buatlah CV (Curriculum Vitae) atau Daftar Riwayat Hidup dan Surat Lamaran Kerja semenarik mungkin agar lebih mendapat perhatian HRD. Buat CV Cepat dan Praktis di BikinCV dan lihat juga Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja yang baik dan benar.
- Ketika melamar lowongan kerja, anda tidak boleh membayar sejumlah uang kepada seseorang/ perusahaan. Jika ada yang meminta, Tolak Saja! Kemungkinan besar itu adalah sebuah penipuan.
- Belakangan ini sering terjadi penipuan kepada calon pencari kerja. Selalu berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap segala bentuk penipuan!